25 Ways To Ask Someone If They Still Want To Talk To You 

In our fast-paced, modern lives, it’s all too easy for people to get caught up in their own responsibilities and accidentally neglect their relationships. Sometimes, the silence or lack of communication is unintentional, a temporary lapse due to busyness or stress. Other times, however, it could be a sign that something deeper is going on, and the relationship itself may be in trouble. Regardless of the reason, it’s important to address the situation head-on and find out if the other person still wants to maintain the relationship.

Asking someone if they still want to talk to you can be a delicate matter, as it involves navigating personal boundaries, emotions, and potentially sensitive topics. You don’t want to come across as pushy, demanding, or accusatory, but at the same time, you deserve clarity and closure if the relationship has run its course. That’s why we’ve compiled this comprehensive list of 25 different ways to approach this conversation, ranging from casual and lighthearted to more direct and serious, each with a clear example to help you put the phrase into context.

25 Ways To Ask Someone If They Still Want To Talk To You 

1. “Hey, I haven’t heard from you in a while. Is everything okay?”

This is a gentle and non-confrontational way to check in with the person and show concern for their well-being. It opens the door for them to share what’s going on in their life without putting them on the defensive.

Example: “Hey Sarah, I haven’t heard from you in a while. Is everything okay? I hope everything’s going well with your new job and that you’re settling in nicely.”

2. “I’ve noticed you’ve been a bit distant lately. Did I do something to upset you?”

Sometimes, the lack of communication could be due to a misunderstanding or conflict that needs to be addressed. This approach allows you to take responsibility if you’ve inadvertently done something to cause the rift, and it gives the other person a chance to express their feelings.

Example: “Hey Jake, I’ve noticed you’ve been a bit distant lately. Did I do something to upset you? If there’s an issue between us, I’d really like to work through it together and clear the air.”

3. “I miss our chats/hangouts. Are you still interested in catching up?”

This statement acknowledges the shift in communication and directly asks if the other person still wants to maintain the relationship. It’s a straightforward yet casual way to gauge their interest without being too pushy.

Example: “I miss our weekly coffee catch-ups, Emily. Are you still interested in meeting up sometime soon? I’d love to hear how your new project is going and catch up on what’s been happening in your life.”

4. “I’ve been thinking about you lately, and I wanted to check-in. How have you been?”

This approach shows that you’ve been thinking about the other person and care about their well-being. It’s a gentle way to reopen the lines of communication without directly addressing the lack of contact.

Example: “Hey Tom, I’ve been thinking about you lately, and I wanted to check-in. How have you been? I heard through the grapevine that your family went through a tough time recently, and I wanted to see if you’re doing okay and if there’s anything I can do to support you.”

5. “I know you’ve been really busy lately, but I wanted to make sure we’re still on good terms.”

If the other person has been preoccupied with work, school, or other commitments, this statement acknowledges their busyness while also ensuring that there are no underlying issues in the relationship.

Example: “I know you’ve been really busy with your new business venture, Jessica, but I wanted to make sure we’re still on good terms. I value our friendship immensely and don’t want us to drift apart just because life gets hectic sometimes.”

6. “I’ve really enjoyed our conversations/hangouts in the past, and I’d hate for us to drift apart. Are you still interested in keeping in touch?”

This approach reminds the other person of the positive aspects of your relationship and expresses your desire to maintain it. It’s a direct yet non-confrontational way to ask about their interest level.

Example: “I’ve really enjoyed our weekly game nights and deep conversations, Mike. Those times have meant a lot to me, and I’d hate for us to drift apart now. Are you still interested in keeping in touch and hanging out occasionally? I know we’re both busy, but I value your friendship.”

7. “I’ve noticed we haven’t been communicating as much lately. Is there anything you’d like to talk about or sort out?”

This statement acknowledges the change in communication patterns and opens the door for the other person to share any concerns or issues they may have. It shows a willingness to address and resolve any potential problems.

Example: “Hey Samantha, I’ve noticed we haven’t been communicating as much lately. Is there anything you’d like to talk about or sort out between us? I’m here if you need an ear or if you just want to catch up and reconnect.”

8. “I feel like there’s been a bit of distance between us lately. Is there anything on your mind that you’d like to discuss?”

Similar to the previous example, this approach recognizes the shift in the relationship and invites the other person to share their thoughts or feelings openly.

Example: “I feel like there’s been a bit of distance between us lately, Alex. Is there anything on your mind that you’d like to discuss? I’m always here to listen and support you, no matter what’s going on. I care about you and our friendship.”

9. “I value our relationship, and I want to make sure we’re on the same page. Do you still want to keep in touch?”

This statement affirms the importance of the relationship and directly asks about the other person’s willingness to continue it. It’s a clear and respectful way to gauge their interest level.

Example: “I value our friendship immensely, Jamie, and I want to make sure we’re on the same page. Do you still want to keep in touch and make time for each other like we used to? I know life gets busy, but your presence in my life means a lot to me.”

10. “I’ve noticed you’ve been pulling away a bit. Is there a reason for that?”

If the other person has been actively distancing themselves, this question allows you to address the situation directly without making assumptions. It gives them the opportunity to explain their actions or share any underlying concerns.

Example: “I’ve noticed you’ve been pulling away a bit lately, Taylor. Is there a reason for that? I want to understand what’s going on so I can be there for you, or give you space if that’s what you need right now. Your friendship is important to me.”

11. “I miss our quality time together. Would you be interested in [doing a specific activity] again soon?”

This approach focuses on the positive aspects of your relationship and suggests a specific activity or event you both enjoyed in the past. It’s a subtle way to gauge the other person’s interest while also extending an invitation to reconnect.

Example: “I miss our weekly game nights and de-stressing together, Chris. Would you be interested in coming over for a movie marathon, some snacks, and good old-fashioned bonding time this weekend? It’s been too long since we’ve had some quality hangout time.”

12. “I hope everything is okay with you. I’m here if you need someone to talk to.”

This statement shows concern for the other person’s well-being and offers a supportive ear if they need it. It’s a gentle way to remind them that you’re available and willing to listen without directly addressing the lack of communication.

Example: “Hey Olivia, I hope everything is okay with you. I’m here if you need someone to talk to, vent to, or if you just want to grab a coffee and catch up. I’ve noticed you’ve seemed a bit distant lately, and I wanted to check in.”

3. “I’ve been thinking about our last conversation, and I wanted to follow up on [specific topic]. Are you still interested in discussing it?”

If you had an unfinished conversation or discussion with the other person, this approach allows you to revisit it and gauge their interest in continuing the dialogue.

Example: “I’ve been thinking about our last conversation, and I wanted to follow up on the idea of starting a business together. Are you still interested in discussing it further? I think we could make a great team.”

14. “I’ve noticed we haven’t been as close lately, and I wanted to check if you’re still interested in being friends/partners/colleagues.”

This direct statement acknowledges the change in the relationship and clearly asks about the other person’s desire to maintain the connection, whether it’s a friendship, romantic partnership, or professional relationship.

Example: “I’ve noticed we haven’t been as close lately, and I wanted to check if you’re still interested in being business partners, Mark. Our partnership means a lot to me, and I want to make sure we’re both still committed to it.”

15. “I really enjoy our time together, but I’ve been getting the feeling that you might not feel the same way anymore. Am I misreading the situation?”

This approach acknowledges your perception of the situation and gives the other person the opportunity to clarify or correct any misunderstandings.

Example: “I really enjoy our weekly coffee dates and deep conversations, Sara, but I’ve been getting the feeling that you might not feel the same way anymore. Am I misreading the situation? If not, I’d like to understand what’s changed.”

6. “I’ve been feeling a bit disconnected from you lately. Is there anything I can do to help us get back on track?”

This statement expresses your desire to improve the relationship and willingness to take action to address any issues. It shows that you’re open to feedback and suggestions from the other person.

Example: “John, I’ve been feeling a bit disconnected from you lately in our friendship. Is there anything I can do to help us get back on track and reconnect? I really value our bond and don’t want to lose that closeness.”

17. “I appreciate our friendship/relationship, and I want to make sure we’re both still invested in it. What are your thoughts?”

This approach affirms the value of the relationship and directly asks for the other person’s perspective and level of investment. It’s a respectful way to have an open and honest conversation about the future of the connection.

Example: “Amanda, I really appreciate our friendship and all the great memories we’ve made over the years. But I want to make sure we’re both still invested in nurturing this relationship. What are your thoughts on where we stand? I’m open to having an honest discussion.”

18. “I’ve noticed a shift in our dynamic lately, and I wanted to check in to see if everything is still going well between us.”

This statement acknowledges the change in the relationship without making assumptions about the cause. It opens the door for a conversation about any potential issues or concerns that need to be addressed.

Example: “Hey Eric, I’ve noticed a shift in our dynamic at work lately, and I wanted to check in to see if everything is still going well between us as colleagues and friends. I value our working relationship, so I just want to make sure we’re still on the same page.”

19. “I feel like we’ve been growing apart recently, and I wanted to see if you’re still interested in working through this together.”

This approach recognizes the distance that has grown between you and the other person and expresses a willingness to work together to resolve any issues or challenges.

Example: “Sarah, I feel like we’ve been growing apart recently in our relationship. I wanted to see if you’re still interested in working through this challenge together. I love you and don’t want to lose what we have, but I need to know where you’re at.”

20. “I’ve been missing our regular catch-ups/conversations. Is there a reason we haven’t been connecting as much?”

This question acknowledges the change in communication patterns and invites the other person to share any reasons or explanations for the lack of contact.

Example: “Hey Jake, I’ve been missing our regular weekend hikes and long conversations lately. Is there a reason we haven’t been connecting and making time for those as much? I really cherish that quality time with you.”

21. “I value our relationship and want to make sure we’re on the same page. How do you feel about where things are at?”

This statement affirms the importance of the relationship and directly asks for the other person’s perspective and feelings about the current state of the connection.

Example: “Emily, I really value our romantic relationship and want to make sure we’re on the same page. How do you feel about where things are at between us lately? I’m picking up on some tension, and I want to address it.”

22. “I’ve noticed some tension/awkwardness between us lately. Is there anything you’d like to discuss or get off your chest?”

This approach acknowledges the shift in the dynamic and invites the other person to share any concerns or issues that may be contributing to the tension or awkwardness.

Example: “Tom, I’ve noticed some tension and awkwardness between us lately at family gatherings. Is there anything you’d like to discuss or get off your chest? As siblings, I want us to be able to talk openly.”

23. “I really care about you, and I want to make sure we’re both happy with how things are going. Is there anything you’d like to change or improve?”

This statement expresses genuine care and concern for the other person’s well-being and happiness within the relationship. It invites them to share any desires for change or improvement.

Example: “Jessica, I really care about you deeply, and I want to make sure we’re both truly happy with how our relationship is going right now. Is there anything you’d like to change or improve about our dynamics or the way we relate? I’m open to your honesty.”

24. “I’ve been feeling a bit unsure about where we stand lately. Can we have an open and honest conversation about our relationship?”

This approach acknowledges the uncertainty or confusion surrounding the relationship and calls for an open and honest dialogue to clarify and address any issues or concerns.

Example: “Mike, I have to be honest – I’ve been feeling a bit unsure about where we stand in our friendship lately. Can we have an open and honest conversation about the status of our relationship? I want to get on the same page.”

25. “I value our connection and want to make sure we’re on the same page. Is there anything you’d like to discuss or address?”

This statement affirms the importance of the relationship and invites the other person to share any thoughts, concerns, or topics they’d like to discuss or address in order to maintain and strengthen the bond.

Example: “Samantha, I really value our close connection as best friends, and I want to make sure we’re on the same page about where our relationship stands. Is there anything you’d like to discuss or address? I’m here to listen without judgment.”


The bottom line is, asking someone if they still want to talk requires a delicate blend of empathy, vulnerability, patience and care. Every situation and every relationship dynamic is different, so the best approach will vary. But by coming from a place of openness, respect and genuine concern for the other person’s well-being, you’ll be much more likely to re-establish a line of healthy communication. Just remember – the goal isn’t to force interaction or make demands, but to let the other person know you’re there for them and willing to work through any issues or disconnects together when the time is right.

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By Mohsin

Hey there! I'm Mohsin, the guy behind ResponseAbout.com. I'm all about keeping things simple and fun with words. With years of experience in writing and studying how people communicate, I've become a master at cooking up clever comebacks, witty one-liners, and responses that hit the mark. Check out my site for an entertaining collection that's sure to impress!

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