30 Funny Ways to Say have a great Weekend

30 Funny Ways to Say have a great Weekend

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, weekends have become sacred. They’re our chance to recharge, relax, and break free from the monotony of the workweek. But why settle for a simple “Have a good weekend” when you can send your colleagues, friends, or family off with a laugh?

Research has shown that humor can boost happiness and productivity in the workplace. A 2015 study found that making people laugh increased their productivity by up to 12%. With this in mind, adding some humor to your weekend farewells can brighten someone’s day and set a positive tone for the week ahead.

In this article, we’ll explore 30 funny ways to wish someone a great weekend. These creative alternatives to the standard “have a good weekend” are sure to bring smiles and laughter to your workplace. Let’s dive in and discover how to end the workweek on a high note!

1. “May Your Weekend Be Filled with More Joy Than a Dog with Two Tails”

Imagine the unbridled happiness of a canine companion so ecstatic it’s wagging two tails instead of one. That’s the level of weekend bliss we’re aiming for here. This wish paints a vivid, amusing image that’s sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face.

2. “Go Forth and Conquer the Couch, Brave Weekend Warrior”

This playful phrase turns lounging into an epic quest. It acknowledges the noble pursuit of relaxation, elevating the act of binge-watching or napping to heroic proportions. Your colleague will feel like a weekend champion before they even leave the office.

3. “Wishing You a Weekend So Good, It Makes Monday Jealous”

Personifying Monday as a jealous entity adds a humorous twist to the universal dread of the workweek’s start. This wish not only hopes for an excellent weekend but also playfully pokes fun at the Monday blues.

4. “May Your Weekend Be Smoother Than a Freshly Waxed Dolphin”

The absurd imagery of a waxed dolphin combined with the concept of smoothness creates a laugh-out-loud moment. It’s an unconventional way to wish for a hassle-free weekend that’s bound to be remembered.

5. “Hope Your Weekend is Packed Tighter Than a Hipster’s Skinny Jeans”

This pop culture reference cleverly combines the idea of a full, exciting weekend with the humorous image of extremely tight pants. It’s a witty way to wish for a weekend brimming with activities and enjoyment.

6. “Enjoy Your Mini-Vacation from Adulting”

Adulting has become a popular term for the often-overwhelming responsibilities of grown-up life. This phrase humorously frames the weekend as a brief reprieve from these duties, acknowledging the shared experience of looking forward to time off.

7. “May Your Weekend Be More Refreshing Than a Polar Bear’s Toothpaste”

The juxtaposition of a polar bear and toothpaste creates an absurd and memorable image. This wish hopes for a weekend that’s invigorating and leaves you feeling fresh and ready to tackle the week ahead.

8. “Go Wild! But Not So Wild That You End Up on the Local News”

This humorous caution encourages letting loose while playfully setting a limit. It’s a funny way to wish someone an exciting weekend without any regrettable incidents.

9. “Wishing You a Weekend Fuller Than Your Grandma’s Candy Dish”

Grandma’s perpetually full candy dish is a nostalgic and comforting image for many. This wish hopes for a weekend abundant with sweet moments and pleasant experiences.

10. “May Your Weekend Be More Relaxing Than a Sloth in a Hammock”

Sloths are nature’s champions of relaxation. This wish takes that to the next level by putting a sloth in a hammock, creating a comical image of ultimate leisure that your weekend should aspire to match.

11. “Hope Your Weekend is Brighter Than a Disco Ball in a Lighthouse”

This vivid and slightly ridiculous image combines two bright objects to create a superlative level of brightness. It’s a creative way to wish for a weekend full of fun and positive energy.

12. “Enjoy Your 48 Hours of Freedom (Choose Your Outfit Accordingly)”

This wish acknowledges the liberating feeling of the weekend while humorously suggesting that one’s wardrobe choices should reflect this newfound freedom. It’s a subtle nod to the joy of swapping business attire for comfortable weekend wear.

13. “May Your Weekend Be More Exciting Than a Squirrel Crossing the Autobahn”

The image of a small squirrel on a high-speed German highway is both thrilling and absurd. This wish hopes for an exhilarating weekend, but with a dash of humor that keeps things light-hearted.

14. “Wishing You a Weekend So Good, It Should Be Illegal”

This hyperbolic statement elevates the concept of a good weekend to comically extreme levels. It’s a playful way to express hopes for an incredibly enjoyable time off.

15. “Hope Your Weekend is Longer Than a CVS Receipt”

CVS receipts are notoriously long, often becoming the subject of jokes and memes. This wish cleverly uses this common experience to hope for a weekend that feels endlessly enjoyable.

16. “May Your Weekend Be More Satisfying Than Finally Finding the Long End of the Tape”

We’ve all experienced the frustration of searching for the start of a tape roll. This wish humorously compares the satisfaction of a great weekend to that small but significant victory.

17. “Enjoy Your Weekend Like It’s the Last Slice of Pizza”

This wish encourages savoring every moment of the weekend, much like one would relish the final piece of a delicious pizza. It’s a relatable and amusing comparison that resonates with many.

18. “Wishing You a Weekend More Magical Than a Unicorn Riding a Rainbow”

By combining two fantastical elements – unicorns and rainbows – this wish creates an over-the-top image of magic and wonder. It’s a whimsical way to hope for an extraordinarily special weekend.

19. “May Your Weekend Be Less Disappointing Than Season 8 of Game of Thrones”

This pop culture reference taps into the widely shared disappointment over the final season of the popular TV show. It humorously sets a very low bar for the weekend to clear, ensuring almost certain success.

20. “Hope Your Weekend is Smoother Than a Pickpocket in a Nudist Colony”

This slightly risqué joke creates a vivid and absurd image that’s sure to elicit a chuckle. It wishes for a weekend free of obstacles or difficulties in a highly memorable way.

21. “Enjoy Your Weekend Like a Dog Enjoying a Car Ride”

Dogs’ unbridled joy during car rides is a well-known and heartwarming image. This wish encourages embracing the weekend with the same level of pure, uncomplicated happiness.

22. “May Your Weekend Be More Surprising Than Finding Money in Your Old Jeans”

The unexpected delight of discovering forgotten cash is a universal experience. This wish hopes for a weekend filled with pleasant surprises and joyful moments.

23. “Wishing You a Weekend So Good, It Makes Your Ex Jealous”

This humorous wish plays on the idea of living well as the best revenge. It’s a playful way to hope for an incredibly enjoyable weekend that’s worth showing off.

24. “Hope Your Weekend is Easier to Navigate Than IKEA on a Saturday”

The maze-like layout of IKEA stores, especially when crowded, is a common source of frustration and jokes. This wish hopes for a weekend that’s straightforward and stress-free in comparison.

25. “May Your Weekend Be More Refreshing Than the Other Side of the Pillow”

The cool side of the pillow is a small but significant pleasure. This wish elevates that feeling, hoping for a weekend that’s thoroughly rejuvenating and comfortable.

26. “Enjoy Your Weekend Like You’re a Cat in a Sunbeam”

Cats basking in sunlight epitomize contentment and relaxation. This wish encourages finding that same level of pure, simple joy over the weekend.

27. “Wishing You a Weekend More Thrilling Than Watching Paint Dry… in Zero Gravity”

This wish takes the classic boring activity of watching paint dry and gives it a sci-fi twist. It’s a humorous way to hope for an exciting weekend full of unique experiences.

28. “May Your Weekend Be Less Chaotic Than a Tornado in a Trailer Park”

This vivid imagery humorously sets a very low bar for order and calm. It’s a playful way to wish for a peaceful, drama-free weekend.

29. “Hope Your Weekend is More Satisfying Than Popping Bubble Wrap”

The simple pleasure of popping bubble wrap is nearly universal. This wish hopes for a weekend filled with many small but deeply satisfying moments.

30. “Enjoy Your Weekend Like It’s an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet (But With Less Regret)”

This wish encourages indulging in weekend pleasures to the fullest, while humorously acknowledging the potential downsides of overindulgence. It’s a relatable and amusing way to wish for a weekend of guilt-free enjoyment.


In our fast-paced world, taking a moment to wish someone well can make a significant impact. By using these hilarious weekend wishes, you’re not just saying goodbye for the week; you’re creating a moment of connection, spreading joy, and potentially improving someone’s mood and productivity.

Remember, laughter is a powerful tool for reducing stress and building relationships. So, the next time you’re bidding farewell to colleagues or friends for the weekend, why not try one of these humorous wishes? You might just make their day and set the tone for a fantastic weekend.

Whether you choose to wish them a weekend smoother than a freshly waxed dolphin or more exciting than a squirrel crossing the Autobahn, you’re sure to leave them with a smile. After all, life’s too short for boring goodbyes. So go forth, spread the laughter, and may your weekends always be worthy of these hilarious wishes!

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By Mohsin

Hey there! I'm Mohsin, the guy behind ResponseAbout.com. I'm all about keeping things simple and fun with words. With years of experience in writing and studying how people communicate, I've become a master at cooking up clever comebacks, witty one-liners, and responses that hit the mark. Check out my site for an entertaining collection that's sure to impress!

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