50+ flirty Ways to Respond When a Guy Compliments You

We’ve all been there – a guy you know, or perhaps even a stranger, compliments you on your appearance, your intelligence, or your accomplishments. It’s a flattering moment, but sometimes it can catch you off guard, leaving you unsure of how to respond. Do you simply say “thank you” and move on? Or do you try to deflect the compliment with self-deprecating humor? Fear not, because we’ve got you covered with over 50 charming ways to respond when a guy compliments you.

Whether you’re looking for a friendly, casual response or something a little more flirtatious, this guide has got you covered. We’ll explore different scenarios – from texting to in-person interactions – and provide you with a variety of responses that will leave you feeling confident and charming.

So, let’s dive in and explore some of the best ways to respond when a guy compliments you!

50+ flirty Ways to Respond When a Guy Compliments You

A compliment about your looks is often the most common and straightforward, but that doesn’t mean your response has to be boring. Whether you’re going for friendly or flirty, here are some charming options

Friendly Responses

  1. “Aw, thanks! You’re too kind.” – This is a humble and appreciative response, expressing gratitude for the compliment.
  2. “Haha, you’re sweet. Thanks!” – A lighthearted and friendly response, acknowledging the compliment with a chuckle.
  3. “I appreciate the kind words! 😊” – A straightforward expression of appreciation, accompanied by a smile emoji.
  4. “Aww, shucks! You’re making me blush.” – A playful and slightly bashful response, conveying a sense of flattered embarrassment.
  5. “That’s so nice of you to say! Thanks for the compliment.” – A sincere and gracious response, directly acknowledging the compliment.

Flirty Responses

  1. “Why, thank you! I’m glad you noticed.” πŸ˜‰ – A flirtatious response, expressing appreciation for the compliment while hinting at a playful interest.
  2. “You’ve got good taste, I must say.” – A confident and somewhat cheeky response, complimenting the person’s taste or judgment.
  3. “I’m flattered you think so. Maybe we can discuss it over coffee sometime?” – A flirtatious response, expressing flattery while suggesting a potential future meetup.
  4. “Well, aren’t you a smooth talker? But I like it!” 😏 – A playful and slightly suggestive response, acknowledging the person’s smooth compliment while expressing interest.
  5. “Thanks, handsome. You’re not too bad yourself!” 😘 – A flirtatious response, returning the compliment while using a term of endearment and a kissing emoji.

How to Respond to Compliments on Instagram or Social Media?

Friendly Responses

  1. “Aw, shucks! You’re too nice. 😊” – A humble and appreciative response, expressing gratitude with a smile emoji.
  2. “Haha, thanks for the love!” – A lighthearted and friendly response, acknowledging the compliment as a show of support or affection.
  3. “I appreciate the kind words! You’re the best.” – A sincere expression of appreciation, followed by a compliment to the person.
  4. “Thank you! I’m glad you liked it.” – A simple and straightforward expression of gratitude, acknowledging that the person enjoyed the content.
  5. “Aww, you’re making me blush! Thanks!” – A playful and slightly bashful response, conveying a sense of flattered embarrassment.

Flirty Responses

  1. Why, thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the view.” πŸ˜‰ – A flirtatious response, expressing appreciation for the compliment while hinting at a playful interest.
  2. “You have excellent taste, my friend.” – A confident and somewhat cheeky response, complimenting the person’s taste or judgment.
  3. “Hmm, maybe I should post more pictures like that, then.” 😏 – A flirtatious response, suggesting a willingness to share more content in exchange for compliments.
  4. “Well, aren’t you smooth? I like it!” – A playful and slightly suggestive response, acknowledging the person’s smooth compliment while expressing interest.
  5. “Thanks, handsome! Feel free to slide into my DMs anytime.” 😘 – A flirtatious response, returning the compliment while using a term of endearment and inviting the person to contact directly, accompanied by a kissing emoji.

How to Respond to Compliments at Work or in a Professional Setting

Friendly Responses

  1. “Thank you, that’s very kind of you to say.” – A polite and professional response, expressing gratitude for the compliment.
  2. “I appreciate the compliment. You’re too kind.” – A gracious response, acknowledging the compliment while maintaining a level of professionalism.
  3. “That’s very generous of you. Thank you.” – A humble and appreciative response, expressing gratitude for the person’s generosity in offering the compliment.
  4. “You’re too flattering, but I’ll take it! Thanks.” – A slightly playful response, acknowledging the compliment while gently deflecting the flattery.
  5. “Aw, shucks! You’re making me blush. But thank you!” – A friendly and slightly bashful response, conveying a sense of flattered embarrassment while maintaining professionalism.

Flirty Responses

  1. “Why, thank you! I always aim to impress.” πŸ˜‰ – A flirtatious response, expressing appreciation for the compliment while hinting at a playful interest.
  2. “You’ve got a good eye, I must say.” – A confident and somewhat cheeky response, complimenting the person’s taste or judgment.
  3. “I’m glad you noticed. Maybe we could discuss it over coffee sometime?” – A flirtatious response, expressing appreciation for the compliment while suggesting a potential future meetup.
  4. “You’re too kind. But I like the way you think!” 😏 – A playful and slightly suggestive response, acknowledging the compliment while expressing interest.
  5. “Thanks, handsome. I’ll take that as a compliment.” 😘 – A flirtatious response, returning the compliment while using a term of endearment and a kissing emoji.

How to Respond to Compliments in Person

Friendly Responses

  1. “Aw, thanks! You’re too sweet.” – A warm and appreciative response, expressing gratitude for the compliment.
  2. “Haha, you flatter me! But thank you.” – A lighthearted and humble response, acknowledging the compliment while gently deflecting the flattery.
  3. “I really appreciate the kind words. You’re too nice!” – A sincere expression of appreciation, followed by a compliment to the person.
  4. “Aww, shucks! You’re making me blush over here.” – A playful and slightly bashful response, conveying a sense of flattered embarrassment.
  5. “That’s so kind of you to say! Thanks for the compliment.” – A gracious and appreciative response, directly acknowledging the compliment.

Flirty Responses

  1. “Why, thank you! I’m glad you noticed.” hair flip – A flirtatious response, expressing appreciation for the compliment while adding a playful gesture.
  2. “You’ve got good taste, I must admit.” – A confident and somewhat cheeky response, complimenting the person’s taste or judgment.
  3. “I’m flattered. Maybe we can discuss it over drinks sometime?” πŸ˜‰ – A flirtatious response, expressing flattery while suggesting a potential future meetup.
  4. “Well, aren’t you smooth? I like that in a guy!” 😏 – A playful and slightly suggestive response, acknowledging the person’s smooth compliment while expressing interest.
  5. “Thanks, handsome. I like the way you think!” wink – A flirtatious response, returning the compliment while using a term of endearment and adding a playful gesture.

How to Respond to Compliments on Your Intelligence or Accomplishments

Friendly Responses

  1. “Thank you, that means a lot coming from you.” – A sincere response, expressing appreciation for the compliment and valuing the person’s opinion.
  2. “I appreciate the kind words. It’s been a lot of hard work.” – A gracious response, acknowledging the compliment while attributing the accomplishment to hard work.
  3. “Aw, shucks! You’re too generous with your compliments.” – A humble and slightly bashful response, expressing gratitude while gently deflecting the compliment.
  4. “That’s very flattering of you to say. Thank you!” – A gracious and appreciative response, acknowledging the compliment as flattering.
  5. “I’m glad you think so. It means a lot to hear that.” – A sincere response, expressing appreciation for the compliment and its significance.

Flirty Responses

  1. “Why, thank you! I do try to impress.” πŸ˜‰ – A flirtatious response, expressing appreciation for the compliment while hinting at a playful interest.
  2. “You’ve got a sharp eye, I must say.” – A confident and somewhat cheeky response, complimenting the person’s perceptiveness or judgment.
  3. “Hmm, maybe I should show off my smarts more often, then?” wink – A flirtatious response, suggesting a willingness to showcase intelligence further, accompanied by a playful gesture.
  4. “Thanks, handsome. I like a man who appreciates a clever woman.” 😏 – A flirtatious response, expressing appreciation for the compliment and stating a preference for intelligent men, accompanied by a suggestive emoji.
  5. “You sure know how to make a girl feel special, don’t you?” – A flirtatious response, acknowledging the person’s ability to make the recipient feel valued and desired.
  6. “I’m blushing over here! But I won’t stop you from showering me with compliments.” is a playful and slightly bashful response, conveying a sense of flattered embarrassment while also encouraging more compliments.
  7. “Why, thank you! I always aim to impress.” hair flip emoji – A confident and flirtatious response, expressing appreciation for the compliment while suggesting a desire to impress, accompanied by a playful gesture emoji.
  8. “You’re too kind, but I like the way you think!” – A flirtatious response, acknowledging the compliment while expressing interest in the person’s thought process or perspective.
  9. “Hmm, maybe we should take this conversation to the DMs?” – A suggestive response, proposing to continue the conversation in a more private or intimate setting (direct messages).

How to Respond When You’re Not Interested 🚫

How to Express a Polite “No, Thanks”

Sometimes the best option is to simply decline the compliment with a direct yet polite “no, thanks.” These responses get the point across without being rude:

  1. “Thank you, that’s very kind, but I’m not interested.” This response acknowledges the compliment while firmly rejecting it.
  2. “I appreciate it, but I’m not looking for a relationship right now.” This makes your intentions clear in a respectful manner.
  3. “That’s very sweet of you, but I’ll have to decline.” A simple, kind way to reject the advance.

The tone here is key – be nice but firm. A straightforward “no, thanks” is usually the best policy.

How to Skillfully Deflect Attention

If you’d prefer not to give a direct “no”, you can try subtly changing the subject. These responses deflect the awkward situation:

  1. “Thanks for the compliment. Have you met my friend X? They’re such an interesting person!” Shift focus to someone else.
  2. “You’re very kind. By the way, have you seen the new exhibition at the gallery? It’s incredible.” A deft subject change.
  3. “I appreciate the gesture, but I’m really focused on my career at the moment.” Bring it back to the professional realm.

By deflecting, you can politely ignore the advance without an outright rejection. However, it’s important to be consistent – if they persist, a more firm “no” may be required.

How to Handle Aggressive Advances?

Sometimes someone can be overly persistent or inappropriate. In these cases, it’s better to set clear boundaries:

  1. “Your comments are making me uncomfortable. Please stop.” Be direct and firm if someone crosses the line.
  2. “I don’t appreciate that kind of attention. I need to leave.” Don’t be afraid to remove yourself from the situation if needed.
  3. “This behavior is unacceptable. If you continue, I will be forced to take further action.” A more severe warning if they persist.

Your comfort and safety are the priority. Don’t be afraid to be firm if you feel harassed or threatened. Trust your instincts.

Let Your Personality Shine Through

  1. Be yourself! At the end of the day, the best response is one that feels authentic and lets your personality shine through. Whether sweet and simple, subtly flirty, or professionally grateful, your response can brighten his day and leave a lasting impression.

There’s no single “right” way to handle unwanted interest. Trust your judgment and prioritize your comfort. With kindness, assertiveness, and a touch of personal style, you can navigate these awkward situations gracefully.


No matter the situation or the type of compliment, it’s important to respond with confidence, gratitude, and maybe a touch of playfulness. A well-executed response can not only make someone’s day but also open the door for further flirtation and connection.

Remember, the key to a charming response is to strike the right balance between appreciative and flirtatious. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through, whether it’s with a witty quip, a coy smile, or a playful wink. And above all, have fun with it! Receiving compliments should be a joyful experience, so embrace the flattery and let your charm shine through.

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By Mohsin

Hey there! I'm Mohsin, the guy behind ResponseAbout.com. I'm all about keeping things simple and fun with words. With years of experience in writing and studying how people communicate, I've become a master at cooking up clever comebacks, witty one-liners, and responses that hit the mark. Check out my site for an entertaining collection that's sure to impress!

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