30 Best comebacks when someone calls you skinny

30 Best comebacks when someone calls you skinny

Body shaming, whether it’s directed towards someone’s weight, height, or any other physical attribute, is never acceptable. Unfortunately, many individuals face criticism and derogatory comments about their slender physique, a phenomenon known as “skinny shaming.” While it’s natural to feel hurt or angry when confronted with such remarks, responding in a constructive and empowering manner can be challenging.

This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive list of 30 comebacks – ranging from witty and sarcastic to body-positive and confrontational – to help you navigate these situations with confidence and grace.

30 Best comebacks when someone calls you skinny

Here are list of 30 Best comebacks when someone calls you skinny.

Sarcastic and Witty Comebacks

Sometimes, a well-timed quip or a witty remark can deflect the negativity and shift the conversation in a more positive direction. Here are some sarcastic and witty comebacks to consider:

  1. “Thanks for the unsolicited opinion on my body. I’ll be sure to file it under ‘things I don’t care about.'”
  2. “Wow, I didn’t realize you had a degree in body shaming. Congratulations!”
  3. “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how irrelevant your opinion is.”
  4. “You know what’s really unflattering? Your attitude.”
  5. “I’m skinny, and you’re rude. We can’t all be perfect.”

Dismissive Comebacks

Sometimes, the best response is no response at all. These dismissive comebacks allow you to shut down the conversation without engaging further:

  1. “Bless your heart.”
  2. “That’s your opinion, and I respect that you have one.”
  3. Shrugs “Okay.”
  4. Walks away without acknowledgment
  5. “I’ll keep that in mind.” (said with sarcasm)

Confrontational Comebacks

If you’re feeling particularly bold or frustrated, these confrontational comebacks can help you stand up for yourself and challenge the perpetrator’s behavior:

  1. “Your comments say more about you than they do about me.”
  2. “You know, body shaming is a form of bullying. Is that really the kind of person you want to be?”
  3. “I’m comfortable with my body, and your opinion won’t change that.”
  4. “Why do you feel the need to comment on my body? Let’s talk about something more interesting.”
  5. “I don’t appreciate comments about my appearance. Please keep them to yourself in the future.”

Humorous and Self-Deprecating Comebacks

Sometimes, a little humor and self-deprecation can diffuse a tense situation and remind everyone not to take themselves too seriously:

  1. “Yeah, I’m skinny. But at least I can see my feet when I look down.”
  2. “You’re right, I am skinny. But I heard it’s the new ‘curvy.'”
  3. “Skinny? More like ‘financially stable’ and ‘able to fit through narrow spaces.'”
  4. “I may be skinny, but at least I don’t have to worry about getting stuck in a revolving door.”
  5. “Skinny? Nah, I prefer the term ‘aerodynamic.'”

Body-Positive Comebacks

These comebacks aim to shift the conversation towards body positivity and self-acceptance, empowering both you and the person making the comments:

  1. “All bodies are beautiful, including mine and yours.”
  2. “My worth isn’t determined by my weight or appearance.”
  3. “I’m healthy and happy with my body, and that’s what matters most.”
  4. “Let’s focus on lifting each other up instead of tearing each other down.”
  5. “I love my body, and I won’t let anyone make me feel ashamed of it.”

Educating and Informative Comebacks

Sometimes, the best approach is to educate and inform the person making the comments, in the hopes of fostering understanding and preventing future incidents:

  1. “Skinny shaming is a form of body shaming, and it can be just as harmful as fat shaming.”
  2. “Did you know that commenting on someone’s weight or appearance can have a negative impact on their mental health?”
  3. “Everyone’s body is different, and we should celebrate that diversity instead of criticizing it.”
  4. “You may not realize it, but your comments can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and stigmas.”
  5. “I understand that you may not have meant harm, but comments about someone’s weight or appearance can be hurtful.”

Let’s take a look..

Sarcastic and Witty Comebacks

1. “Thanks for the unsolicited opinion on my body. I’ll be sure to file it under ‘things I don’t care about.'”

This sarcastic comeback dismisses the unsolicited comment about your body in a witty manner. It implies that the person’s opinion is unwanted and irrelevant, and you have no intention of taking it seriously. For example, if someone says, “You’re so skinny, you need to eat more,” you could respond with this comeback to shut down the conversation.

2. “Wow, I didn’t realize you had a degree in body shaming. Congratulations!”

This sarcastic remark questions the person’s authority or expertise in making comments about your body. It implies that they have no right to judge or criticize your appearance unless they have some sort of professional qualification. For instance, if a co-worker remarks, “You look unhealthily thin,” you could use this comeback to challenge their unsolicited opinion.

3. “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how irrelevant your opinion is.”

This witty comeback dismisses the person’s opinion as irrelevant and insignificant. It suggests that their comments about your body hold no value or importance to you. For example, if a stranger on the street says, “You’re too skinny, that’s not attractive,” you could respond with this comeback to shut down their unsolicited criticism.

4. “You know what’s really unflattering? Your attitude.”

This comeback shifts the focus from your appearance to the person’s negative attitude and behavior. It implies that their rude and judgmental comments are more unattractive than any physical attribute. If someone says, “That outfit looks unflattering on your skinny frame,” you could use this comeback to call out their unacceptable attitude.

5. “I’m skinny, and you’re rude. We can’t all be perfect.”

This sarcastic remark acknowledges your slender physique while also pointing out the person’s rude behavior. It suggests that neither of you is perfect, but their rudeness is more of a flaw than your body type. If someone says, “You’re so skinny, it’s kind of gross,” you could respond with this comeback to highlight their inappropriate comments.

Dismissive Comebacks

6. “Bless your heart.”

This dismissive comeback is a polite way of saying, “Your opinion means nothing to me.” It’s often used in a condescending manner to shut down unwanted comments or criticism. For example, if someone says, “You need to gain some weight, you look sickly,” you could respond with “Bless your heart” and walk away.

7. “That’s your opinion, and I respect that you have one.”

This dismissive comeback acknowledges the person’s opinion without validating or agreeing with it. It’s a polite way of saying, “I hear you, but I don’t care.” If someone remarks, “You’re too skinny, that’s not attractive to me,” you could respond with this comeback to dismiss their opinion while remaining respectful.

8. Shrugs “Okay.”

This dismissive comeback involves a shrug and a simple “Okay,” which conveys indifference and a lack of interest in the person’s opinion. It’s a nonverbal way of saying, “I don’t care what you think.” If someone says, “You need to put some meat on those bones,” you could shrug and say “Okay” to dismiss their comment without further engagement.

9. Walks away without acknowledgment

This dismissive comeback involves simply walking away without acknowledging or responding to the person’s comments. It’s a way of showing that their opinion holds no importance to you and is not worth engaging with. If someone makes an unsolicited remark about your slender figure, you could choose to walk away without acknowledging their comment.

10. “I’ll keep that in mind.” (said with sarcasm)

This dismissive comeback is a sarcastic way of saying, “I don’t care about your opinion, and I have no intention of following your advice.” It’s a polite way of shutting down the conversation without directly confronting the person. If someone says, “You should eat more, you’re too skinny,” you could respond with “I’ll keep that in mind” in a sarcastic tone to dismiss their unsolicited advice.

Confrontational Comebacks

11. “Your comments say more about you than they do about me.”

This confrontational comeback suggests that the person’s comments reveal more about their own insecurities, biases, or negative mindset than they do about your physical appearance. It shifts the focus back to the person making the comments and encourages them to reflect on their behavior. For example, if someone says, “Real women have curves, you’re just a bag of bones,” you could respond with this comeback to challenge their narrow and harmful perspective.

12. “You know, body shaming is a form of bullying. Is that really the kind of person you want to be?”

This confrontational comeback directly addresses the person’s behavior as a form of bullying and questions whether they want to be associated with such negative behavior. It encourages them to reflect on their actions and the impact they may have on others. If someone makes derogatory comments about your slender physique, you could use this comeback to point out the harmful nature of their behavior.

13. “I’m comfortable with my body, and your opinion won’t change that.”

This confrontational comeback asserts your confidence and self-acceptance, making it clear that the person’s opinion about your body will not affect your self-esteem or body image. It’s a powerful way of rejecting their unsolicited comments and reinforcing your own self-worth. For instance, if someone says, “You’re too skinny, it’s not healthy,” you could respond with this comeback to affirm your comfort with your body.

14. “Why do you feel the need to comment on my body? Let’s talk about something more interesting.”

This confrontational comeback questions the person’s motivation for commenting on your appearance and suggests that the conversation should move on to more meaningful topics. It challenges the person to reflect on their behavior and encourages a shift in focus. If someone makes an unsolicited remark about your slender frame, you could use this comeback to redirect the conversation in a more positive direction.

15. “I don’t appreciate comments about my appearance. Please keep them to yourself in the future.”

This confrontational comeback directly addresses the person’s behavior and sets a boundary for future interactions. It firmly but politely requests that they refrain from making comments about your appearance, making it clear that such remarks are unwelcome. If someone repeatedly makes comments about your slender physique, you could use this comeback to establish a clear boundary and prevent further instances of body shaming.

Humorous and Self-Deprecating Comebacks

16. “Yeah, I’m skinny. But at least I can see my feet when I look down.”

This humorous and self-deprecating comeback acknowledges your slender physique while also poking fun at the situation in a lighthearted way. It’s a way of diffusing the tension and reminding everyone not to take the comments too seriously. If someone remarks on your slim figure, you could use this comeback to add a touch of humor and lighten the mood.

17. “You’re right, I am skinny. But I heard it’s the new ‘curvy.'”

This humorous and self-deprecating comeback plays on the idea of body trends and societal beauty standards, suggesting that being skinny is now considered desirable or fashionable. It’s a tongue-in-cheek way of acknowledging the person’s comment while also poking fun at the ever-changing ideals of physical attractiveness. If someone comments on your slender frame, you could use this comeback to inject some humor into the situation.

18. “Skinny? More like ‘financially stable’ and ‘able to fit through narrow spaces.'”

This humorous and self-deprecating comeback reframes the concept of being “skinny” by highlighting practical advantages, such as financial stability and the ability to navigate tight spaces. It’s a way of acknowledging the person’s comment while also finding a positive spin on your body type. If someone remarks on your slender physique, you could use this comeback to shift the conversation in a more lighthearted direction.

19. “I may be skinny, but at least I don’t have to worry about getting stuck in a revolving door.”

This humorous and self-deprecating comeback pokes fun at the idea of being too large to fit through certain spaces, suggesting that your slender frame has its advantages in that regard. It’s a playful way of acknowledging the person’s comment while also finding humor in the situation. If someone comments on your slim figure, you could use this comeback to inject some levity and diffuse any tension.

20. “Skinny? Nah, I prefer the term ‘aerodynamic.'”

This humorous and self-deprecating comeback reframes the term “skinny” by using the more positive and empowering word “aerodynamic.” It’s a way of acknowledging the person’s comment while also finding a more positive way to describe your body type. If someone remarks on your slender physique, you could use this comeback to inject some humor and take ownership of your body in a lighthearted manner.

Body-Positive Comebacks

21. “All bodies are beautiful, including mine and yours.”

This body-positive comeback promotes the idea of body acceptance and appreciation for all body types. It acknowledges the beauty in both your own body and the person making the comment, encouraging a more inclusive and positive perspective. For example, if someone says “You’re too skinny, that’s not attractive,” you could respond with this line to shift the conversation towards body positivity and self-love.

22. “My worth isn’t determined by my weight or appearance.”

This body-positive comeback asserts that your value and self-worth extend beyond your physical appearance or weight. It challenges the notion that beauty or attractiveness should be the primary determinant of one’s worth. If someone makes a derogatory comment about your slender frame, you could use this line to remind them (and yourself) that true worth comes from within.

23. “I’m healthy and happy with my body, and that’s what matters most.”

This body-positive comeback prioritizes health and personal happiness over societal beauty standards or others’ opinions. It emphasizes that feeling good about yourself and taking care of your well-being is more important than conforming to unrealistic ideals. If someone criticizes your slim physique, you could respond with this line to highlight your contentment with your body and overall well-being.

24. “Let’s focus on lifting each other up instead of tearing each other down.”

This body-positive comeback suggests shifting the conversation towards mutual support and encouragement, rather than engaging in negative comments or criticisms. It promotes the idea of building each other up and creating a more positive environment. If someone makes an unsolicited remark about your slender figure, you could use this line to redirect the conversation towards a more constructive and uplifting dialogue.

25. “I love my body, and I won’t let anyone make me feel ashamed of it.”

This body-positive comeback asserts your self-love and confidence in your body, making it clear that you refuse to be shamed or made to feel insecure about your appearance. It’s a powerful statement of self-acceptance and a refusal to internalize negative comments or criticism. If someone attempts to shame or belittle your slender physique, you could respond with this line to assert your self-love and reject their harmful remarks.

Educating and Informative Comebacks

26. “Skinny shaming is a form of body shaming, and it can be just as harmful as fat shaming.”

This educating and informative comeback helps raise awareness about the harmful effects of skinny shaming, equating it to the more widely recognized issue of fat shaming. It aims to challenge the person’s perspective and encourage them to recognize the negative impact of their comments. If someone makes a derogatory remark about your slender frame, you could use this line to educate them about the broader issue of body shaming.

27. “Did you know that commenting on someone’s weight or appearance can have a negative impact on their mental health?”

This educating and informative comeback highlights the potential psychological and emotional consequences of making unsolicited comments about someone’s physical appearance or weight. It aims to create awareness about the harm such remarks can cause, even if unintentional. If someone criticizes your slim physique, you could respond with this line to help them understand the potential damage their words can have.

28. “Everyone’s body is different, and we should celebrate that diversity instead of criticizing it.”

This educating and informative comeback promotes the idea of embracing and appreciating the natural diversity of body types, rather than criticizing or shaming those who don’t conform to societal norms. It encourages a more inclusive and accepting perspective towards different body shapes and sizes. If someone makes a negative comment about your slender figure, you could use this line to encourage a more positive and celebratory attitude towards bodily differences.

29. “You may not realize it, but your comments can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and stigmas.”

This educating and informative comeback aims to raise awareness about the broader societal impact of making negative comments about someone’s appearance or weight. It suggests that such remarks can contribute to the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes and stigmas surrounding body image and beauty standards. If someone criticizes your slim physique, you could respond with this line to help them understand the larger implications of their words.

30. “I understand that you may not have meant harm, but comments about someone’s weight or appearance can be hurtful.”

This educating and informative comeback acknowledges that the person’s intentions may not have been malicious, but also highlights the potential for their comments to cause hurt or harm, even unintentionally. It aims to create awareness and encourage more mindful communication in the future. If someone makes an insensitive remark about your slender frame, you could use this line to gently educate them about the impact of their words while giving them the benefit of the doubt regarding their intentions.

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By Mohsin

Hey there! I'm Mohsin, the guy behind ResponseAbout.com. I'm all about keeping things simple and fun with words. With years of experience in writing and studying how people communicate, I've become a master at cooking up clever comebacks, witty one-liners, and responses that hit the mark. Check out my site for an entertaining collection that's sure to impress!

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