23 Best Replies to Get Well Soon

When someone wishes you to “get well soon” while you’re under the weather, it can be hard to come up with thoughtful responses beyond the usual “thanks so much”.

But taking some extra time to craft engaging replies shows that you truly appreciate their well-wishes.

Here are 23 creative alternatives to “get well soon” that blend optimism, motivation, and just the right amount of humor.

23 Replies to “Get Well Soon”

  1. Thanks from the bottom of my heart
  2. Your kind words are like a warm blanket
  3. I wish you health and happiness too
  4. This too shall pass, thanks to wonderful friends
  5. Looking on the bright side – more reading time!
  6. Slowly getting my strength back with help from you
  7. Turning the corner thanks to this great care package!
  8. Ups and downs, but knowing you care helps so much
  9. Can’t wait to celebrate good health soon!
  10. The sun will come out tomorrow, thanks to you
  11. Laughter truly is the best medicine, especially with friends like you
  12. So grateful for the compassion, it means more than you know
  13. Ready to put this behind me and enjoy life again
  14. Your thoughtfulness reminds me how lucky I am
  15. Feeling blessed to have wonderful support lifting me up
  16. Keeping my spirits up with hopes of future adventures together
  17. Already smile just picturing that first meal out together!
  18. Taking it slow but working hard at feeling like myself again
  19. Getting a little better and stronger every single day
  20. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel thanks to your caring messages
  21. Feeling wrapped in a big virtual hug from all my friends near and far
  22. Slowly turning the corner to healthier days ahead!
  23. Truly touched more than any medicine could do – thanks from the bottom of my weak heart!

1. Thanks from the bottom of my heart

“Thanks from the bottom of my (still weakly beating 😉 heart for the lovely get-well wishes!”

This response keeps things simple yet sincere, emphasizing gratitude by literally thanking them from the bottom of the heart. The playful addition of “still weakly beating” acknowledges you are still recovering, but the winky face emoji adds optimism and lightness. This shows you really appreciate their support.

2. Your kind words are like a warm blanket

“Your thoughtful message wrapped me up like a cozy warm blanket. Thanks for this comfort when I need it most!”

Using a warm blanket metaphor highlights how their caring words embraced you and brought relief. This creative and visual description emphasizes how meaningful simple well-wishes can be, especially when you feel unwell. It is an uplifting reply conveying gratitude.

3. I wish you health and happiness too

“I so appreciate you thinking of me! Once I’m back in the pink, I hope we can get together to laugh about all this. Good health and happiness to you always.”

Instead of just thanking them, this response wishes the wellness back in return. Looking ahead to laugh together someday frames optimism for the future. It also appreciates the sentiment while subtly saying let’s move on from dwelling on this illness.

4. This too shall pass, thanks to wonderful friends

“Every time my head throbs, I reread kind messages like yours knowing this flu too shall pass someday (hopefully soon!). Friends like you make the journey easier. Thanks a million!”

Getting a little creative, this response references the common saying ‘this too shall pass’ to emphasize the illness won’t last forever. Thanking them for making it more bearable acknowledges how support helps you through tough times. Rereading kind words for comfort when in pain expresses deep gratitude.

5. Looking on the bright side – more reading time!

“Look on the bright side, now I’ll finally have time to read that book you recommended! Thanks so much for thinking of me. Your suggestion is spot on.”

Choosing to look at the positives, like finally having time to read, highlights an optimistic point of view. This reminds the well-wisher their previous book recommendation was meaningful and well-timed. Ending by calling their suggestion spot on thanks them for being so thoughtful.

6. Slowly getting my strength back with help from you

“I’m starting to regain a little energy thanks to delicious home-cooked meals from thoughtful friends like you! Your generosity is helping this cold wind down. Thanks a million!”

This response emphasizes step-by-step progress by noting regained strength and naming a specific way they helped – meals. This paints a positive picture of winding down from illness, allowing you to express genuine gratitude at their tangible efforts to help you recover.

7. Turning the corner thanks to this great care package!

“That surprise care package brightened my whole week and helped me turn the corner on this pesky cold! Nothing like laughing through a funny movie together to boost my spirits. Thanks so much for thinking of me.”

Similar to slow progress, “turning the corner” paints a picture of your health finally improving. Calling out the exact caring act (surprise package) and resulting benefit (laughing together) expresses very specific appreciation. This allows them to really feel the difference their gesture made in lifting your mood.

8. Ups and downs, but knowing you care helps so much

“There are good days and bad days getting over this flu, but cards and messages from thoughtful folks like you make every single one better. Thanks for helping me power through – your kindness gives me energy!”

Acknowledging the fluctuating nature of recovery shows you are making progress but still struggling at times. This honesty helps the well-wisher empathize better with your situation. Thanking them for brightening both good and bad days expresses how deeply their caring gestures matter, giving you strength.

9. Can’t wait to celebrate good health soon!

“Here’s to good health and good friends! Your sweet wishes brighten my day as I check another day off the calendar, counting the days until we can meet up and celebrate being back in action! Hugs!”

This reply looks enthusiastically to the future, sharing excitement to celebrate together once recovered. Envisioning fun future plans expresses optimism and positions their support as helping you get healthier to make those plans happen. The upbeat tone focuses on gratitude.

10. The sun will come out tomorrow, thanks to you

“Even when I’m stuck inside feeling terrible, your ‘get well’ messages make me feel like the sun is sure to come out tomorrow! Thanks so much for sprinkling a dash of sunshine magic my way :)”

Quoting the optimistic song “The sun will come out tomorrow” compares their caring message to rays of sunshine despite feeling low. Saying it makes you feel the sun will come out tomorrow emphasizes incredible power simple well wishes, gratitude and a smiley face add warmth.

11. Laughter truly is the best medicine, especially with friends like you

“You really do brighten my days and make me smile ear to ear – proof laughter truly is fabulous medicine. I credit my improving health to hilarious friends like you! Thanks for adding joy to my life.”

Playfully building off the idea laughter is great medicine, this reply positions their caring messages as directly improving your health. Saying their humor makes you smile credits that joy as driving your recovery. This creatively says their ongoing friendship brings happiness that helps heal.

12. So grateful for the compassion, it means more than you know

“I’m grateful beyond words for such compassion and wish I could properly express how your tender thoughts blanket me with comfort. Please know each kind of message means more than you know. Thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart!”

Emotional and sincere, this response emphasizes being moved beyond what words can capture. Using a soft blanket metaphor again hints at their kindness and care enveloping you in the warmth that words fail to convey. Saying you wish you could articulate the depth expresses genuine gratitude for their empathy and sensitivity.

13. Ready to put this behind me and enjoy life again

“I’m so ready to put this nasty virus behind me! Your wonderful wishes remind me to keep looking ahead to sunny days filled with all our favorite people and activities. Here’s to making magical memories together!”

An upbeat tone focusing on what lies ahead when you recover positions sickness as a temporary roadblock to fuller living. Thanking them for redirecting your outlook expresses how encouraging messages lift your perspective above present annoyances toward brighter futures.

14. Your thoughtfulness reminds me how lucky I am

“Even feeling miserable, your caring messages remind me how truly blessed I am to have so many generous, compassionate friends like you cheering me towards recovery. Thank you immensely for everything!”

Gushing gratitude, this response positions their support as highlighting all the good surrounding you, despite discomforts. Listing multiple positive qualities emphasizes how strong your support network is and how beloved you feel by wonderful friends who selflessly extend get well wishes and comfort.

15. Feeling blessed to have wonderful support lifting me up

“What wonderful support you all are, lifting my spirits even on this dreary, rainy day! I am deeply blessed with the most caring circle of friends. Each simple message means the world and helps me heal faster.”

Focusing the blessing on supportive friends expresses being uplifted even when the weather mirrors your sickness. Using soaring, flying metaphors artfully positions caring messages as carrying your mood to brighter places. Ending noting it speeds healing says these gestures tangibly help recovery.

16. Keeping my spirits up with hopes of future adventures together

“Thinking about sunny days filled with laughter ahead keeps my spirits shining even on tough sick days like this one. Thanks for being a wonderful friend I can always count on to keep me looking up and ahead with hope!”

Envisioning future fun together puts a positive spin on present struggles, saying visualizing coming adventures lifts your outlook when you need it most. Thanking them for boosting your ability to cheer yourself positions their friendship as a reliable comfort and backup encouraging you now and in brighter days to come.

17. Already smile just picturing that first meal out together!

“Reading your sweet words had me smiling instantly, picturing that soon-to-come day when symptoms fade and we get to catch up in person over a fabulous meal out somewhere fun! Thanks in advance for all the joyful reunions ahead!”

Looking forward playfully says even imagining plans to meet up once recovered had an instant mood-boosting effect, proving how meaningful their ongoing support and future friendship is. Thanking them for not-yet-happened meetups shows a deep appreciation for the promise of connection on the other side of sickness.

18. Taking it slow but working hard at feeling like myself again

“Progress feels slow but I’m giving this recovery all I’ve got! Knowing dear friends like you are in my corner makes it so much easier to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Thanks a million!”

Opening up that poor health feels frustratingly lingering, this reply positions recovery as still moving but requiring work. Sharing this honesty helps friends empathize. Thanking them for steadfast support credits loved ones with giving you the motivation to keep making a steady effort.

19. Getting a little better and stronger every single day

*”Thanks so much for your encouragement! I’m starting to turn a real corner and gain strength slowly day by day thanks to uplifting love from friends like you. Here’s to health and happiness ahead!” *

Marking concrete improvement emphasizes your health trending upward thanks specifically to supportive messages. Thanking them for boosting your mood positions emotional support as directly improving your physical health too. Looking forward to more wellness conveys ongoing optimism.

20. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel thanks to your caring messages

“Those kind wishes brighten my day like rays of light finally peeking through at the end of a long, dark tunnel. Thanks for sticking by me and helping me feel a little better each day until I’m back to my old self again.”

Using the light at the tunnel metaphor creatively positions encouraging messages as the first signs that suffering is nearly over. Thanking them for persistent support through an extended difficult period expresses your illness has felt draining over many days. Rays of light represent their caring words giving much-needed hope.

21. Feeling wrapped in a big virtual hug from all my friends near and far

“Aww, thanks for that great big virtual bear hug! Even when we can’t be together in person, I feel wrapped in cozy love and comfort from dear sweet caring friends like you. It means the world to me.”

Envisioning their message as a virtual hug highlights comfort from emotional bonds despite physical separation. Using warm, soft imagery emphasizes tender care and support that transcends distance. Expressing this level of meaning conveys deep gratitude for simple kind gestures.

22. Slowly turning the corner to healthier days ahead!

“Thanks a million for brightening my spirits as I work towards rounding the corner on this pesky cold! Knowing such supportive, caring friends await me definitely motivates me to take good care and get my strength back.”

Using the positive corner-turning metaphor, this reply positions their well wishes as directly influencing your motivation and progress. Thanking them for improved mood acknowledges emotional support aids physical healing. Looking ahead to reuniting with wonderful friends adds incentive to keep recovering.

23. Truly touched more than any medicine could do – thanks from the bottom of my weak heart!

“Your tender thoughts and wishes touch me deeply in a way no medicine could ever do. Thanks seems too mild a word…but genuinely, thank you sincerely from the worn-out bottom of my recovering heart!”

Closing with an emotional emphasis on their gesture meaning more than medicine, this response positions their message as your strongest medicine. Calling their consideration tender says it is palpably relieving discomfort better than physical cures could. Heartfelt gratitude clearly conveys you are deeply moved.CopyRetry

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By Mohsin

Hey there! I'm Mohsin, the guy behind ResponseAbout.com. I'm all about keeping things simple and fun with words. With years of experience in writing and studying how people communicate, I've become a master at cooking up clever comebacks, witty one-liners, and responses that hit the mark. Check out my site for an entertaining collection that's sure to impress!

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